Scotland: A Library Resource Guide: Home
Fàilte! (Fall-cha)
All about Scottish culture!
If you're traveling to Scotland soon, you may want to take some time to explore the resources and links available on this page. It will look at all aspects of the culture, including (but not limited to) major novelists, poets, musicians, film, historical biographies, just about anything having to do with this wonderful country. This list contains resources outside of the materials required for class, so it's purpose is to point students toward new ways of understanding, appreciating, and delving deeper into the beautiful people and culture of Scotland!
The Scottish People
The Scots love people – and they like to make others feel at home. You’ll find an enthusiastic friendliness in so many places. Ask a stranger for directions, buy something in a local shop, eat or drink in a pub or restaurant or put on the kettle in your workplace kitchen and you’ll be met with a smiling face and a friendly “Let me help”, “Tell me more about yourself” or “How are you?”
Although they certainly have a strong national identity, this doesn’t stop them from embracing new cultures and new people. More than 170 languages are spoken in Scotland; from Punjabi to Polish, Cantonese to Gaelic these languages reflect a modern and inclusive Scotland. After all, they're a rich and diverse country which sees many different cultures from across the world living in harmony together.
Scotland knows how to party – and extends an invitation to all. From large Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve) street parties and music and film festivals to more intimate Burns’ Suppers and St Andrew’s Day celebrations, there is always a fun event to attend.
Getting together, sharing good times, ‘having a blether’ and welcoming others with open arms give Scotland its reputation for being a happy and friendly country. Really, it’s no wonder that more than 40 million people around the world claim Scottish ancestry – and so many want to be a part of our Scottish family.
*adapted from
Printable Resource List
- GVSU Libraries Resource List: ScotlandIf you prefer a printed version of the resources featured in this guide, you can find it here!
Liaison Librarian
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 3:40 PM
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