HNR 263, Introduction to Human Rights - Zivi: Home

Individual Newspapers & News Magazines

This includes just a small selection of the newspapers and news magazines that GVSU has access to through library databases. This list also includes some websites for news sources. If the title you're looking for isn't on this list, search the Find Journals page on the GVSU Libraries website. We may have different versions of these titles (e.g. the Asian edition of the Wall Street Journal) or access through multiple databases (e.g. the New York Times).

News Databases

Policy Statements & Government Reports

These are just a few of the potential sources for policy statements and government reports. Also check Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO), listed in the database section.

Individual Scholarly Journals

These are a few of the human rights focused scholarly journals available from GVSU.

Subject Databases

  • Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024 12:39 PM
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