COM 201: Speech: Biographies
Articles in Databases
- Biography Reference CenterLets you find biographies by name, occupation, ethnicity or nationality, birth or death year, or place of birth or death.
- Biography Index Past and PresentLists biographies and autobiographies of people from all over the world.
- America: History and Lifefor U.S. and Canadian people
- Historical Abstractsfor non-U.S. / non-Canadian people
Biography Books
- How to Find a BookThis video walks you through the process of searching for a book and identifying its location.
- Biographies of speakersbiograph* OR autobiograph* AND speech* OR addresses OR "public speaking" (subject)
- Browse biographiesAdd keywords to the middle and lower search boxes in the results screen, if you want to be more specific. E.g., athlete or musician.
- Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 10:51 AM
- URL: