- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- COM 210: Nonverbal Communication
- Articles/Databases
COM 210: Nonverbal Communication: Articles/Databases
Communications database
- Communication SourceSearch research OR study OR studies OR observation as Subject terms
along with your other ideas, e.g.,
nonverbal, haptic* OR touch, proxemic* OR "spatial behavior" OR "personal space", kinesics OR "body language", paralanguage OR paralinguistic*, prosod* OR accent* OR intonation OR tempo, gestur*, postur*, facial OR face, blushing, "eye contact" OR gaze, "social interaction"
General Databases
- Academic Search UltimateArticles on all topics. Use "Choose Databases" to include SocINDEX or other relevant databases.
- PsycinfoFind psychological causes for nonverbal behaviors, perfect for nonverbal communication!
- Sage Journals This link opens in a new windowSearch: nonverbal and any other keywords. Then click the "Filter Results" icon at the bottom and select Research Article, then Subject: Communication & Media Studies, and change the date if you want.
GVSU Library Tutorials
- Focus Your TopicThis video shows different ways of focusing a topic for a research paper.
- Build Your Search StrategyThis short video explains how to develop a search strategy before finding books and media or articles in databases. These concepts are universal and apply to any search.
- Keywords, Search Terms, and Subject HeadingsThis short video demonstrates finding items with keywords and subject terms.
- Databases, journals, & articlesVideo defines each and explains how they fit together
- Bias in Information Sources3 1/2 minute video defines bias in information and how to address it.
- Citation TutorialLearn and test your skills in making references or bibliographies.
- Request Books, Journals in Print Form, and DVDsWatch video of the ASRS robot in action.
Some books, DVDs, and journals are in the book retrieval system (Automated Storage Retrieval System or ASRS) behind the Service Desk on the 1st floor.
Search tips for finding articles
- use "quotation marks" around phrases
- truncate - with an asterisk * - truncat* finds truncate, truncated, truncation
- use AND to combine unlike ideas: dance AND promotion
- use OR to connect synonyms: advertisements OR campaigns
Put it all together:
- "hip hop dance" in one box
- AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns) in the next box
- use parentheses in single-box searching - when you don't have another set of boxes, e.g.,:
- "hip hop dance" AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns)
Use the left or right menus to narrow your results, e.g., by language, date, subject, etc.
- Databases have a citation and sometimes they will also contain an abstract, or summary, of the article.
- Databases also often cite multiple types of resources - books, essays or chapters, government documents, etc.
- Some databases will also have the complete item (called the full text): you should see a link to an HTML or PDF document. Or click on
- this will check other library databases for the full text.
- Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 10:51 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/com210