COM 275: Foundations of Communication Research: Articles/Journals/Databases

Communications databases

Evaluating information

The keys to evaluating information:

  1. Look for independent information about the creator/s, funding, opinions or viewpoints, and statements
  2. Spend more time double-checking facts externally rather than using time to look at the original source of information
  3. Delay clicking: spend time to skim the results after you search; read bits and pieces before choosing to click any link
  4. Use these techniques with all types of information – books, videos, articles, websites, etc.

Search tips

  • use "quotation marks" around phrases
  • truncate - with an asterisk * - truncat* finds truncate, truncated, truncation
  • use AND to combine unlike ideas: dance AND promotion
  • use OR to connect synonyms:  advertisements OR campaigns

Put it all together:

  • "hip hop dance" in one box
  • AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns) in the next box
  • use parentheses in single-box searching - when you don't have another set of boxes, e.g.,:
  • "hip hop dance" AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns)

Use the left or right menus to narrow your results, e.g., by language, date, subject, etc.

  • Databases have a citation and sometimes they will also contain an abstract, or summary, of the article.
  • Databases also often cite multiple types of resources - books, essays or chapters, government documents, etc.
  • Some databases will also have the complete item (called the full text): you should see a link to an HTML or PDF document. Or click on Get it @ GVSU - this will check other library databases for the full text.

Getting items we don't have

We want everyone to learn to search within the resources that we own, using the "Find it" box, the "Get it @GVSUGet it @ GVSU icon, and the Journals list. However, we don't have access to every article, book, or other materials! We offer a service called Document Delivery as a solution for these gaps in our collections. Each request costs us money (staff to manage it + paying other libraries their cost + copyright clearance), so only use it if you really need something we don't have.

Scholarly Journals

Scholarly research: "Primary research conducted by academic researchers and distributed through academic publications with the desire to build theory" (Davis Lachlan, p. 23).

To find scholarly sources, use the left menu to click the box for Peer Reviewed.

  • Last Updated: Feb 20, 2025 10:15 AM
  • URL: