Communication Studies: Theories
Finding Communication Theories
- Communication SourceA good starting place. Use the Thesaurus (a link at the top of the page) to look for your theory: enter your theory in the search box below Browsing: Communications Thesaurus; click Term Contains below the search box, then Browse.
E.g., CULTURAL approach to organizations theory (Communication): Here are entered works on the theory of Geertz and Pacanowsky.
Copy the term/phrase, click Advanced Search below the top search box, paste term, add quotations around the term, change Select a Field to Subject Terms, then Search.
Change the order of results to oldest 1st.
- Now you have the authors and can look in other places: use the Find Articles, Books, & More search box on the Library’s homepage like this: "cultural approach to organizations" Geertz Pacanowsky
- or "Classical Management Theory" weber taylor fayol, then Refine Results: Limit by Source Type = eBooks
- Finding "Cited By" Articles in Web of ScienceHave you found a great article and want to see if other researchers have cited it? Follow the steps in this guide.
- Web of ScienceLook for the topic with words from the theory name; add a row and search the main author's last name. Change the order of results to oldest 1st.
You can see who cited the theory from the original article about it.
Prof Spencer's Fall 2022 assignment
You have already identified a theory, chosen a scholarly article in the Com field, and analyzed how the article author explained and used the theory.
Use your chosen theory to analyze a communication artifact, e.g., a TV show, film, image, social media page, etc. Illustrate how the theory predicts, explains, or contests behavior related to the artifact.
Find articles with the theory that apply to the category of the artifact, e.g., "queer theory" AND communicat* AND television OR tv
(Articles may explain a specific artifact (e.g., tv show) - that you could then extend to explain another tv series.)
If your term is below is not in blue, put quotes around it and search it as a subject in the Advanced Search, not in the Thesaurus.
- SOCIAL penetration theory (Communication)
- RELATIONAL dialectics theory
- SYSTEMS theory
- Organizational dissent
- FACE-negotiation theory
- Cultural Adaptation Theory
- ANXIETY/UNCERTAINTY management theory (Communication)
- Ethnolinguistic Identity Theory (ETHNOLINGUISTIC groups?)
- SYMBOLIC convergence theory (Communication)
- Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking
- Theory of Planned Behavior
- Health Belief Model
- AGENDA setting theory (Communication)
- SPIRAL of silence theory
- Social Cognitive Theory
- Uses & Gratifications Theory
- ELABORATION likelihood model
- INOCULATION theory (Communication)
- COGNITIVE dissonance
- Rhetoric*
- Dramatism
- Metaphors
- Critical Race Theory
- Postcolonialism
- Critical Gender Theory
- Feminist Theory
- Queer Theory
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
- URL: