Communication Studies: Theories

major program; core classes

Finding Communication Theories

  • Now you have the authors and can look in other places: use the Find Articles, Books, & More search box on the Library’s homepage like this: "cultural approach to organizations" Geertz Pacanowsky
  • or "Classical Management Theory" weber taylor fayol, then Refine Results: Limit by Source Type = eBooks

Prof Spencer's Fall 2022 assignment

You have already identified a theory, chosen a scholarly article in the Com field, and analyzed how the article author explained and used the theory.


Use your chosen theory to analyze a communication artifact, e.g., a TV show, film, image, social media page, etc. Illustrate how the theory predicts, explains, or contests behavior related to the artifact. 

Find articles with the theory that apply to the category of the artifact, e.g., "queer theory" AND communicat* AND television OR tv 

(Articles may explain a specific artifact (e.g., tv show) - that you could then extend to explain another tv series.)

If your term is below is not in blue, put quotes around it and search it as a subject in the Advanced Search, not in the Thesaurus.

Subjects: Communications
  • Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
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