- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Health Communication
- Articles/Databases
Health Communication: Articles/Databases
Understanding health information
- Use the links below to understand more about health information.
- Find information in the Health Databases listed in the box below, left side, by using the search tips in the box below, right side.
- Use your skills in Communication and/or Policy databases, depending on your topic.
- Databases, journals, & articlesVideo defines each and explains how they fit together
- Evidence Based PracticeGuide to reading and evaluating medical information: what is the evidence?
- Consumer Health CompleteSupports the health and wellness information needs of patients. Covers mainstream medicine as well as complementary and holistic medicine.
- Sage Research MethodsArticles, books, & videos that explain qualitative research methods.
Health databases
- Cochrane Library4 evidence-based medical resources: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, ACP Journal Club, & Cochrane central Register of Controlled Trials.
- DynaMedEvidence-based descriptions of medical conditions & treatments.
- ProQuest Medical Databasearticles on all the major healthcare specialties, including nursing, pediatrics, neurology, pharmacology, cardiology, physical therapy, etc.
- Psycinfojournal articles on medicine, psychiatry, education, social work, law, criminology, social science, & organizational behavior.
- PubMedPubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, is a publicly available online database of biomedical and medical journal records. It includes MEDLINE content.
- Campbell Systematic ReviewsLike Cochrane but open-access. Use the search box and the "refine search" option.
- STAT!Refmedical and drug information for healthcare professionals
Communication databases
- Communication SourceJournal articles & more on all aspects of communication. Click Choose Databases to add: Academic Search Ultimate and any other relevant databases.
Search tips for finding articles
- use "quotation marks" around phrases
- truncate - with an asterisk * - truncat* finds truncate, truncated, truncation
- use AND to combine unlike ideas: dance AND promotion
- use OR to connect synonyms: advertisements OR campaigns
Put it all together:
- "hip hop dance" in one box
- AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns) in the next box
- use parentheses in single-box searching - when you don't have another set of boxes, e.g.,:
- "hip hop dance" AND (promot* OR advertis* OR campaigns)
Use the left or right menus to narrow your results, e.g., by language, date, subject, etc.
- Databases have a citation and sometimes they will also contain an abstract, or summary, of the article.
- Databases also often cite multiple types of resources - books, essays or chapters, government documents, etc.
- Some databases will also have the complete item (called the full text): you should see a link to an HTML or PDF document. Or click on - this will check other library databases for the full text.
Policy databases
- PAIS InternationalHealth communication policy journal articles, etc.
- Public Administration AbstractsHealth public policy journal articles & reports. Search: communicat* AND health or medic*
- Social Services Abstractsjournal articles & more on health education communication & social policy.
- Social Work Abstractsjournal articles, book chapters, & more on health/medical communication and patient education
- Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 10:52 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/healthcommunication