SPA 310: Civilización y cultura españolas, Profe Pozzi: Libros / Books
¿Mezquita o Catedral?
La disputada identidad de uno de los monumentos más importantes de España:
- en el contexto de la historia medieval de la península ibérica
- en el debate sobre la convivencia de cristianos, judíos, y musulmanes en la España medieval
Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the making of Castilian culture by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DP135 .D63 2008Conflict and Coexistence: Archbishop Rodrigo and the Muslims and Jews in medieval Spain by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor BX4705.X5 P53 2004Publication Date: 2004Rodrigo used scholarly patronage and literary creation to combat internal and external, Christian and non-Christian threats alike.Contested Cultural Heritage: Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion, Nationalism, Erasure, and Exclusion in a Global World
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2010ch. 2 The Stratigraphy of Forgetting: The Great Mosque of Cordoba and Its Contested LegacyConversos and Moriscos in Early Modern Spain and Beyond by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2009Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in medieval Spain by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DS135.S7 C585 1992Publication Date: 1992Defining Boundaries in Al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2013Eve of Spain: Myths of Origins in the History of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Conflict by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2009In the Light of Medieval Spain: Islam, the West, and the relevance of the past by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2008Medieval Iberia: : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sources
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DP97.4 .M43 2012Publication Date: 2011Myth of the Andalusian Paradise by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DP302.A5 F47 2016Publication Date: 2016- Ornament of the WorldPublication Date: 2019PBS film based on the book by María Rosa Menocal about Medieval Spain: the golden age when Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived together in an atmosphere of tolerance.
Book: Mary Idema Pew ASRS - DP99 .M465 2003 Request - Power in the Portrayal - Representations of Jews and Muslims in Eleventh- And Twelfth-Century Islamic Spain byCall Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2002Illuminates nuances of respect, disinterest, contempt, and hatred reflected in the relationship between Muslims and Jews in medieval Spain.
A Vanished World Muslims, Christians, and Jews in medieval Spain by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2006click "Get This for Me!"Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 1990click "Get This for Me!"Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: interaction and cultural change by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2000click "Get This for Me!"En defensa de España: desmontando mitos y leyendas negras by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2017click "Get This for Me!"
¿Arte o tortura?
- El debate sobre los toros en España:
- la historia de la tauromaquia en España
- en el debate sobre la naturaleza y el futuro del toreo
Animals Reader: the essential classic and contemporary writings by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew ASRS - Books HV4703 .A65 2007Publication Date: 2007"On being human in the bullfight" by Garry Marvin.La fiesta brava; the art of the bull ring by
Call Number: Click the Request buttonPublication Date: 1953Describes the history and the personalities surrounding the science of bullfighting as well as all the methods, techniques, and behind scenes details.Historia del toreo by
Call Number: Click the Request buttonPublication Date: 1964cuenta la historia de la fiesta de los toros con gran cantidad de detalles, con rigor, envuelve lo fundamental en datos, fechas y anécdotasDeath and Money in the Afternoon: a history of the Spanish bullfight by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 1999This new interpretation of bullfighting explores the real roots of the contemporary bullfight.
¿Protección o racismo?
La venta ambulante ilegal:
- la historia de la inmigración africana a España de las últimas décadas
- el debate sobre la venta ambulante ilegal y la incorporación de los inmigrantes en la sociedad española
Al-Andalus Rediscovered: Iberia's new Muslims by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DP53.M87 H68 2012Publication Date: 2012Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2000click "Get This for Me!"Controlling Immigration: a global perspective by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2004click "Get This for Me!"
2014 3rd ed: africanos, racismo, desempleo y pobreza by
Call Number: MeL: Michigan eLibraryPublication Date: 2011click "Get This for Me!"
¿Independencia o sedición?
El movimiento independentista en Cataluña:
- Conocer la historia de Cataluña y los orígenes del movimiento independentista
- Entrar en el debate sobre la independencia catalana
'Goodbye, Spain?': the question of independence for Catalonia by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2014Basques, the Catalans and Spain: alternative routes to nationalist mobilisation by
Publication Date: 2000Click the Request buttonCatalan Nationalism: Francoism, transition and democracy by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2004Catalunya, One Nation, Two States: an ethnographic study of nonviolent resistance to assimilation by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2006Disdain, Distrust and Dissolution: the surge of support for independence in Catalonia by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2015- Freedom for Catalonia? Catalan nationalism, Spanish identity, and the Barcelona Olympic Games byCall Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2000
La Identidad Nacional Catalana: ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932 by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DP302.C63 G554 2010Publication Date: 2010Negotiating Spain and Catalonia: Competing Narratives of National Identity by
Call Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2003Scots and Catalans: union and disunion by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 2nd Floor DA765 .E45 2018Publication Date: 2018Reveals the long history behind the current Catalan and Scottish independence movements from the end of the Middle Ages until today.
- La monarquía en el siglo XXI byCall Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2019Debemos preguntarnos si la Corona sigue siendo necesaria, si se ha convertido en una institución anacrónica o, por el contrario, es imprescindible para mantener la democracia. El autor analiza la monarquía española, su origen e historia más reciente.
- From Fascist Dictatorship to Parliamentary Monarchy: Spanish Reportage byCall Number: ebookPublication Date: 1984
- La armadura del rey: Un relato explosivo sobre la situación actual de la monarquía española byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew 2nd Floor DP272.4.J8 P36 2021Publication Date: 2021Un relato sobre la situación actual de la monarquía española, con una profusa documentación y 100 entrevistas.
- Divided Kingdom: The Spanish Monarchy from Isabel to Juan Carlos byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew 2nd Floor DP203 .V36 2007Publication Date: 2007
- 40 años de monarquía parlamentaria byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew 3rd Floor KKT2516 .A56 2019Publication Date: 2019Una visión actualizada de la Jefatura del Estado: la Monarquía Parlamentaria
- Por qué soy monárquico : una historia familiar byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew 4th Floor PQ6722.I349 P67 2020Publication Date: 2020Contenido: Un gentilhombre de Alfonso XIII; Juan III en Arenys de Mar; Juan Carlos I, el 92 y la ejemplaridad; Felipe VI, rigor y calidez; Epílogo: el sentido de la monarquía.
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 12:39 PM
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