SPA 331: Survey of Spanish Literature: Libros / Books
Libros por lo general
Use the search box at the top of the Library homepage to look for books. In the top menu of the results screen, change the Language drop-down box to Spanish.
don Juan
- Juan, Don (Legendary character) -- In literaturelibros y videos sobre el carácter de don Juan
- Símbolos humanos en la literatura byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew ASRS - Books PN56.S9 G3Capítulos incluye: Don Juan o el drama del amor, Retratos literarios de Don Juan, Los descubridores de Don Juan, Fuenteovejuna o La rebelión de las masas
El Cid, La Celestina, Cervantes/Don Quixote, Libro de buen amor
- Browse books about La CelestinaUse the top menu to limit by Source Type - select books and e-books
- Books about Cervantes and Don QuixoteIn English and Spanish - use the top All Filters menu to limit by Language and select Spanish
- Browse books & videos about el CidUse the top menu to limit by Source Type: eBooks; click the "+ (number) more" to select Books too.
- Browse books & a video: Libro de buen amorUse the top menu to limit to Source Type: Books, eBooks, etc.
el pícaro
- Vida y hechos del pícaro Guzman de Alfarache : ó atalaya de la vida humana byCall Number: Seidman House - Rare Books PQ6272 .A3 18264 volumes of rare books to see in person only: request an appointment at
Jarchas o cantigas de amigo
Las Jarchas Mozárabes : Forma y Significado by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew ASRS - Books PQ6056 .G34 1994Click the "Request" link and pick the book up at the 1st floor deskVoces de Mujeres en la Edad Media by
Call Number: e-bookSobre la historia de mujeres. Incluye un ensayo sobre Las cantigas de amigo.
La flor de la playa
La flor de la playa y otras novelas cortas by
Call Number: Mary Idema Pew - 4th Floor PQ6603.U724 F56 1989
Lazarillo de Tormes
- La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades byCall Number: ebookPublication Date: 1976
- Lazarillo de Tormes byCall Number: Mary Idema Pew ASRS - Books PQ6407 .A1 1993Click the "Request" link and pick the book up at the 1st floor desk
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- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 12:44 PM
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