Working Abroad: Jobs
International Jobs--Job sites
The Riley Guide - lists of links to job search websites and breaks them down into country-specific websites.
Jobs Abroad - searchable database of countries and job opportunities.
International jobs in mathematics
Job Rank - international employment directory featuring reviews and rankings of jobs in other countries.
Michigan Jobs for Int'l Students
- Global Detroit's Global Talent Retention InitiativeGTRI now partners with 32 Michigan college campuses and has over 60 Global Opportunity (GO) employers, known as GOemployers, to help connect Michigan’s 28,000 international students (over 60 percent of whom are STEM majors) with unmet talent needs of Michigan companies.
Types of Work Abroad
- The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the U.S. government that places individuals in over 70 different countries. Volunteers work on various projects from education to health to environment, just to name a few. These assignments are generally 2 years in length, and although technically unpaid, volunteers receive many benefits. For more information, see
Many Americans are placed on assignment in foreign countries through their roles in the U.S. military. To learn more about military service and the opportunities to be placed abroad, check out their website at
- The U.S. government employs thousands of Americans who work in hundreds of countries around the world, for more information start at
Databases for Job Seekers
- Plunkett Research OnlineClick the Job Seeker Resources & Tools button on the homepage.
- Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025 10:20 AM
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