- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Biology
- Additional Databases
Biology: Additional Databases
Supplemental Biology Databases
These are very specialized biology databases. They may not be useful for all topics within biology. If you are having difficulty finding information on your topic, contact Cayla Dwyer.
- Birds of the WorldThis is our best resource for information about birds. It provides comprehensive information on over 10,00 species of birds. Entries include basic information about the species, links to articles, videos, sound recordings, and many photographs.
- AlgaebaseSearch for images and descriptions of over 23,000 species of algae. Searchable by genus, species, common name or geographic distribution. There is also a 28,000 word glossary.
- Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates (BFV)This database will help you find citations to literature on specific fossils-it will not link you directly to the articles. You must use carefully designed searches like: taxon = 'Tyrannosaurus'. Detailed instructions are available for creating searches.
- Invasive Species DatabasesFrom the U.S. Natural Agriculture Library (NAL) this resource is actually a list of databases. Once you open the NAL website, look under the heading titled "General" and select which database you'd like to use.
Ecology/Environmental Topics Databases
- GreenFILEGreenFILE searches for information in all areas related to the human impact on the environment. Some examples of topics covered: global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and recycling. Information available includes articles, government information, books, and book reviews.
- GeoRefCreated by the American Geological Institute, GeoRef has over 3 million references to books, journal articles, reports, theses, maps, and more. Materials cover North America from 1669 to the present, and the rest of the world from 1933 to the present.
General Databases that include biology
- Academic Search UltimateAcademic Search Ultimate is a giant database that covers more than 10,021 journals, and full text for nearly 9,017 peer-reviewed titles. It is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary resource of scholarly research.
- Bibliography of Fossil VertebratesUsing the BFV Online, users can specify a search criterion, and receive a formatted list of matching literature references. Queries are formed like taxon = 'Tyrannosaurus'. Detailed instructions are available for writing queries.
- PrimateLitThe PrimateLit database is no longer being updated as of November 30, 2010. But it is still searchable.
- Online Mendelian Inheritance of Man (OMIM)OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily.
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/biology