Library Resources for Social Work: Policy

A guide to library resources and websites.

Citing Policies and Government Docs

Organizations Concerned with Policy

The following links are sources of information about policy that is pertinent to Social Work.  Some of these are for-profit organizations that analyze policy.  Please be aware that while these may be useful to you and may provide great perspective on policy, they are not scholarly sources.  Also, some of these sources are advocacy groups and are therefore not completely objective. If your assignment calls only for scholarly sources, please use your judgment.


Where to Find Policy

What are the types of policy? outlines the different types of binding and non-binding policies! 

Databases to support Policy & Issue Research

These databases are subscribed to by GVSU's library.  They are also accessible from the Database link on the library's homepage

U.S. Code Popular Name Tools

Here are two tools you can use to find the citation of an act.  This will make it easier to find the laws in the various databases. 

Subjects: Social Work
  • Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 12:07 PM
  • URL: