- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Library Resources for Social Work
- Demographics / Stats
Library Resources for Social Work: Demographics / Stats
National Stats
- Census DataThis site is a good starting point for Census information, and includes population, housing, geographic, and economic data. Contains data sets you can download.
- ICPSR: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social ResearchProvides social science data resources.
- Healthy People 2030A list of Health Care goals from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services focused on improving health care quality and ensuring all individuals are able to receive the care they need.
International Stats
- World Health Organization Global Health ObservatoryProvides access to over 50 datasets on priority health topics.
- Sage DataSage Data is a collection of U.S. and international datasets sourced from governmental, commercial, and private organizations. Sage Data allows you to search and browse billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized exportable charts and tables. Each dataset also has a detailed description, including information about its source organization and update frequency.
- Social ExplorerSocial Explorer is a statistical resource that allows easy access to current and historical census information, including the ability to create maps and custom tables that can be exported or printed. Census data covers 1790-2010 and American Community Survey results from 2005-2011. Social Explorer also includes the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980-2010 and carbon emissions data from 2002 from the Vulcan Project.
- StatistaStatista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions in English, French, German and Spanish. The platform consists over 1,500,000 statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 sources.
Grand Rapids Neighborhood Resources
- Family Resource GuideThis online resource connects families to detailed, useful, easy-to-read information about programs and services in the community. It is the only printed, comprehensive information source of its kind in West Michigan.
- Rapid Growth MediaGrand Rapids development, innovation, growth, jobs, companies, lifestyle. See About Us for other cities' sites.
Community Needs Assessment Resources
Patient Navigation by
ISBN: 9781493969777Publication Date: 2017-05-25A practical guide to creating, implementing, and evaluating successful programs, Patient Navigation - Overcoming Barriers to Care offers a step-by-step guide towards creating and implementing a patient navigation program within a healthcare system. Includes a chapter on community needs assessments.
- Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 12:07 PM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/socialwork