Communications: Faculty Guide to the Library: Request new library materials & OER

School of Communications

General guidelines for Library Purchases

  1. Criteria for purchase:
    • materials should support the course assignments and the research needs of students;
    • materials should be used at least twice in the first 2 years after purchase
    • consider the quality of the scholarship, uniqueness, authoritativeness, or creativity.
  2. Check to see if we own the item.
  3. Use Document Delivery for obtaining items to support your research; encourage students to do the same.
  4. Email requests to librarian Kim Ranger (

Fair Use

Textbook alternatives/OER

There are many alternatives to expensive textbooks. GVSU Libraries' Open Educational Resources guide may be useful. OER texts relevant to the School of Com:

Create an Open Textbook

Use our subscription to PressBooks to adapt or author an open access textbook for your course/s. 

Library storage costs

The University Libraries are very aware of the costs of storing materials. Below are some figures, and following, a form to request materials. In addition to the purchase price, there are the following costs and considerations:

 Estimated Annual Storage Costs:

  • $4.26/ volume annually in stacks
  • $1.53/volume annually in high-density storage system [1]

For every 10,000 monographs added (net):

  • 2,000 square feet of space is required; 2007 construction cost/square foot: $300 = $600,000
  • For every 10,000 monographs retained in stacks, lifetime maintenance cost: $1,195,600 [2]

Circulation probability (1979):

  • If a book did not circulate within the first 2 years of ownership, its chances of ever being borrowed were reduced to 25%
  • If a book did not circulate within the first 6 years of ownership, its chances of ever being borrowed were reduced to 2%.[3]

2010: On average for 4-year colleges, 53% of  books published 2006 or earlier never circulate. If a minimum of 2 uses were established as a criterion for a cost-effective acquisitions program, 71% of the titles would not have been purchased.  Book circulations per enrolled student have decreased from an average of 15 in 1997 to 6 in 2007. [4]  

[1] Courant, Paul and Matthew “Buzzy” Nielsen. “On the Cost of Keeping a Book.” CLIR pub 147: The Idea of Order: Transforming Research Collections for 21st Century Scholarship. 2010.

[2] R2 Consulting LLC. 2010.

[3] Kent, Allen. “Use of Library Materials: The University of Pittsburgh Study.” Marcel Dekker Series: Books in Library and Information Science ,Vol. 26. 1979.

[4] R2 Consulting LLC. 2010.

Subjects: Communications
  • Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 12:13 PM
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