- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Communications: Faculty Guide to the Library
- Request new library materials & OER
Communications: Faculty Guide to the Library: Request new library materials & OER
General guidelines for Library Purchases
- Criteria for purchase:
- materials should support the course assignments and the research needs of students;
- materials should be used at least twice in the first 2 years after purchase
- consider the quality of the scholarship, uniqueness, authoritativeness, or creativity.
- Check to see if we own the item.
- Use Document Delivery for obtaining items to support your research; encourage students to do the same.
- Email requests to librarian Kim Ranger (rangerk@gvsu.edu).
- Collections Strategy 2022-2025We're taking several steps to accommodate a shrinking budget while limiting the impact on our users.
- Statement on Textbooks in the Library CollectionLibrary faculty and staff are dedicated to reducing costs for students. We acquire course textbooks when we're able, to ensure that students have access.
Fair Use
- Center for Media & Social ImpactEmploy fair use, the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment. CMSI clarifies how fair use works with the most common practices.
From the American University School of Communication.
Textbook alternatives/OER
There are many alternatives to expensive textbooks. GVSU Libraries' Open Educational Resources guide may be useful. OER texts relevant to the School of Com:
- Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as AdvocacyOpen access (free) textbook by Meggie Mapes from KU: fuses rhetoric, critical/cultural studies, and performance to offer an up-to-date resource for students. With a focus on advocacy, this textbook invites students to consider public speaking as a political, purposeful form of information-sharing.
- The Public Speaking ProjectOpen access textbook written by multiple authors
- Verification Handbook for Disinformation and Media ManipulationEquips journalists with the knowledge to investigate social media accounts, bots, private messaging apps, information operations, deep fakes by Craig Silverman (Ed.) (2020), 2nd ed.
- Verification Handbook for Investigative ReportingUse open data and information to produce critical journalistic investigations, by Craig Silverman (Ed.), 2nd ed.
Create an Open Textbook
- Accelerating Open Educational Resources at GVSUProvides funds for using or creating Open Educational Resources. Email the OER team for more info.
Use our subscription to PressBooks to adapt or author an open access textbook for your course/s.
Library storage costs
The University Libraries are very aware of the costs of storing materials. Below are some figures, and following, a form to request materials. In addition to the purchase price, there are the following costs and considerations:
Estimated Annual Storage Costs:
- $4.26/ volume annually in stacks
- $1.53/volume annually in high-density storage system [1]
For every 10,000 monographs added (net):
- 2,000 square feet of space is required; 2007 construction cost/square foot: $300 = $600,000
- For every 10,000 monographs retained in stacks, lifetime maintenance cost: $1,195,600 [2]
Circulation probability (1979):
- If a book did not circulate within the first 2 years of ownership, its chances of ever being borrowed were reduced to 25%
- If a book did not circulate within the first 6 years of ownership, its chances of ever being borrowed were reduced to 2%.[3]
2010: On average for 4-year colleges, 53% of books published 2006 or earlier never circulate. If a minimum of 2 uses were established as a criterion for a cost-effective acquisitions program, 71% of the titles would not have been purchased. Book circulations per enrolled student have decreased from an average of 15 in 1997 to 6 in 2007. [4]
[1] Courant, Paul and Matthew “Buzzy” Nielsen. “On the Cost of Keeping a Book.” CLIR pub 147: The Idea of Order: Transforming Research Collections for 21st Century Scholarship. 2010.
[2] R2 Consulting LLC. 2010.
[3] Kent, Allen. “Use of Library Materials: The
[4] R2 Consulting LLC. 2010.
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 12:13 PM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/comfaculty