Communications: Faculty Guide to the Library: Films

School of Communications

Finding films/movies/videos

Do a search for films and click "Find It!"
Next, click Advanced Search
Change the dropdown from Keyword to: Author
Author: films

Add any keywords such as the title, director, or subject of the video. Click "Find It!" again.

Then Limit by Source Type: Videos

Saving Searches

Follow these directions to save your favorite search.
1. Do a simple search in the "Find articles, books, & more" box on the Library's homepage, e.g., films.
2. Click on the "Advanced Search" link.
3. Change the dropdown at the end of the box with the word "films" to Author. Add your favorite director, subject, title, etc.
4. Scroll down to select limits like Available in Library Collection, to location (Mary Idema Pew Library Videos, Streaming Video Collection), language, etc.
5. Use the left menu to further Refine Results, e.g., Limit by Source Type: Videos, Publisher, Library Location, etc.
6. When your results are displayed, look to the right for the link marked "Share" and click the down arrow. Copy and permalink / persistent link and paste it into a new tab. Bookmark it.
7. Alternately, under "Share" click the E-mail Alert or RSS Feed.

Embedding streaming video into Blackboard

Streaming video databases

Subjects: Communications
  • Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 10:52 AM
  • URL: