Slave Narratives: Explore Slave Narratives in Context

Use this guide to search for, analyze, and explore slave narratives, an important genre of African American literary and oral tradition

Learning from the Bigger Picture

Slave narratives have provided scholars with valuable, authentic detail about slave life, as part of African American history and culture.  When exploring the place of slave narratives in historical, cultural, literary, and musical studies, think about what effect slave narratives have on your understanding of these areas and vice versa.   

Mapping Slavery

Click the images below to see maps from The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, mapping the slave trade between Africa and the Americas and an animated map showing the slave trade over 300 years in 2 minutes - includes separate maps focused on slaving countries, main shipping regions and ports, and ocean conditions along routes.

                                               Screenshot of world map with a year count-down at the top and a line graph at the bottom

Click the image below to view this interactive map from Scholastic's Underground Railroad exhibit and explore statistics on slave/free population, major cities, and economic markers in the Union and Confederacy of 1861.

Map of the U.S. highlighting the Union versus Confederate States in 1861

Images of Slavery

Slave Music

Book cover titled "Slave Songs of the United States" with black and white image of slaves in the field 

Besides their historical context, slave narratives are part of a rich African American oral tradition that includes music.  Click on the links below to hear recordings and read more.

Subjects: English
  • Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024 12:39 PM
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