Dance: Articles/Databases

Music, Theatre and Dance

Help with Searching

  • Find information in the Dance databases listed in the box below on the left by using the search tips in the box below on the right.
  • Dance journals are also linked below the Databases box.

Dance databases

Dance Journals

Search tips for finding articles

  • use "quotation marks" around phrases like "line dance"
  • truncate - shorten a word to its trunk or root to get alternate endings - with an asterisk * (shift 8), e.g., danc* finds dance, dances, dancer, dancers, dancing, etc.
  • apply Boolean connector AND to combine distinct ideas, e.g., dance AND medicine
  • apply Boolean connector OR to connect similar ideas or synonyms, e.g., social OR group

Put it all together:

  • "line danc*" in one box
  • AND (social OR group) in the 2nd box
  • AND "health benefits" in the 3rd box
  • use parentheses in single-box searching - when you don't have another set of boxes, e.g.,:
  • "line danc*" AND (social OR group) AND "health benefits"

Use the left or right menus to narrow your results, e.g., by language, date, subject, etc.

Databases have a citation (information about an article such as the title, author, name of the journal or magazine, volume and issue (which correspond to the date), date, and pages) and sometimes they will also contain an abstract, or summary, of the article.

Databases also often cite multiple types of resources - books, essays or chapters, government documents, etc.

Some databases will also have the complete item (called the full text): you should see a link to an HTML or PDF document. Or click on Get it @ GVSU - this will check the other library databases for the full text of the article.

Subjects: Dance
  • Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025 10:52 AM
  • URL: