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- Education
- Articles/Databases
Education: Articles/Databases
Education Databases
- Education SourceThe most comprehensive resource for education research. Includes scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
- ERICERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is a resource from the U.S. Dept. of Education. Includes scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
- ProQuest Education DatabaseCovers the literature on primary, secondary, and higher education, coverage is from 1991 to the present.
- PsycInfoPsycInfo covers fields related to psychology including education. Great for topics related to Special Education and Social Emotional Learning.
Multidisciplinary Databases
- SocINDEX with Full TextSociology database useful for finding peer-reviewed articles that deal with issues of race, class, and gender. Includes education-related journals.
- JSTORIncludes peer-reviewed articles from a variety of content areas. On the main homepage, scroll down and check the box next to Education.
Special Topics in Ed
- LearnTechLibThe Learning and Technology Library is an online resource of articles on the latest developments related to Educational Technology and E-Learning.
- Child Care and Early Education Research ConnectionsFocused on the field of early child care and early education. Includes scholarly research, policy briefs, government reports, and data.
Is it Peer-Reviewed?
Use these tools to verify if a journal is peer-reviewed, also called refereed. If the journal isn't listed, Google the title. Most journal publishers provide this info on their websites.
- Ulrichs WebSearch for a journal title here to see more information about it, including whether it is peer-reviewed.
- Journal Titles Indexed in the ERIC databaseA list of the 800+ journals in ERIC, and whether they are peer-reviewed.
Document Delivery
Document Delivery provides access to articles that GVSU doesn't own. It's free, easy, and usually only takes a day or so! The articles you request will be available in your account as digitized PDFs.
Most databases have a direct link to Document Delivery. Look for the option to "Get It @GVSU" and "Order a Copy". You'll be asked to log in with your GVSU username and password and create an account to receive items.
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/education