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Engineering: Databases & Tools
Useful resources
- DOE Data ExplorerUse the DOE (Department of Energy) Data Explorer (DDE) to find scientific research data - such as computer simulations, numeric data files, figures and plots, interactive maps, multimedia, and scientific images - generated in the course of DOE-sponsored research.
- SciTech Connect (WAS: DOE Information Bridge): Scientific and Technical documentsA portal to free, publicly-available DOE-sponsored R&D results including technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information.
- OAIsterOAIster searches digital resources held by over 1000 contributors, including items that were "born digital," audio files, images, movies, and databases. Search engines such as Google generally do not locate items in OAIster.
- The National Science Digital Library (NSDL)The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering,
- How Stuff WorksA wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications, this database is an award-winning source of credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works. Founded by North Carolina State University Professor Marshall Brain in 1998.
- Wolfram AlphaA long-term project to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone. Enter your question or calculation and Wolfram Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and a growing collection of data to compute the answer.
- LaTeX: Getting startedLaTeX is a typesetting system commonly used in the communication and publication of scientific, mathematical, and technical information.
GVSU's engineering and technology databases
- Applied Science & Technology AbstractsSearch for articles, product reviews, buyer's guides, directories, and conference proceedings. Content areas include: chemistry, computer technology, data processing, energy-related disciplines, engineering, math, and physics. 1983-present.
- KnovelA full-text collection of leading reference handbooks and manuals in general engineering and engineering management, including interactive graphs and tables.
- Science DirectFind articles, books, and reference materials in all areas of science, technology and medicine. 1823-present.
- Web of ScienceWeb of Science is a multidisciplinary resource that allows you to search multiple databases at once, including: Web of Science (Core Collection), Current Contents Connect, BIOSIS Previews, MEDLINE, and Journal Citation Reports. Find journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports, and tables of contents.
- ACM Digital LibraryUse this database to find computer science literature from an extensive range of journals, newsletters, and conference proceedings published or co-marketed by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The ACM Digital Library contains the full text of every article ever published by ACM since its founding, from the 1950s to present.
- IEEE XploreIEEE Xplore provides access to the full text of electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science literature produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The database includes the contents of journals, magazines, newsletters, conference proceedings, and IEEE standards. All content is complete from 1988 to present; some selected content dates back to 1913.
- O'Reilly E-booksTo access content in the O'Reilly database users must create an account using their GVSU email: in the "Welcome" window, use the "institution not listed" link and enter your GVSU email. Once an account is created users are able to access O'Reilly content on the Web, and to retrieve the O'Reilly app for eBook downloads to your Android or iOS mobile device. O'Reilly Online is a collection of IT technical reference content, computer manuals, books, “learning paths,” case studies, videos, and online tutorials covering certification, enterprise computing, Java, Linux/Unix, Web development, Windows, XML, and more. O'Reilly Media publications form the core of the collection, along with other publishing partner content.
- SciFinder-nA research tool for accessing information in Chemical Abstracts databases, using a graphical user interface. It includes journal articles, book chapters, patents, conference proceedings, technical reports, substance database and dissertations covered in Chemical Abstracts as well as articles currently being indexed, book reviews and biographical information. Requires a one-time, free registration, and an additional login for each use.
- SpringerLinkSpringerLink allows Grand Valley users full-text access to over 1,500 journals in subjects including science, technology, humanities and law. Search the SpringerLink database or within subject collections or by publication type (which includes journal articles, reference entries, and books).
- Wiley Online Libraryfind full text articles and other information about various topics, especially medicine, science, and technology
- engrXiv PreprintsengrXiv (engineering archive) is dedicated to the dissemination of engineering knowledge quickly and efficiently, in the form of article pre-prints prior to formal publication. engrXiv was launched in beta in July 2016, and is quickly building infrastructure and seeking to build this repository of latest engineering research.
- National Technical Information Service (NTIS) - site indexThe National Technical Information Service serves as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today.
Multidisciplinary databases
- Academic Search UltimateMulti-disciplinary database with some engineering resources.
- WorldCat (FirstSearch)search a combined catalog of libraries from around the world
- Web of ScienceWeb of Science is a multidisciplinary resource that allows you to search multiple databases at once, including: Web of Science (Core Collection), Current Contents Connect, BIOSIS Previews, MEDLINE, and Journal Citation Reports. Find journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports, and tables of contents.
- WorldCatSearch hundreds of thousands of libraries' catalogs.
- Credo ReferenceGood place to start for definitions.
Engineering search engines
Google does not find everything. If you're doing a broad web-based search, try these engineering-specific search engines.
- GlobalSpecThe engineering search engine.
- Science.govScience.gov searches over 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies. It provides access to authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results.
- TechXtraFind articles, books, the best websites, the latest industry news, job announcements, technical reports, technical data, full text eprints, the latest research, thesis & dissertations, teaching and learning resources and more, in engineering, mathematics.
- Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025 2:18 PM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/engineering