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- Recreational Therapy
- Search Tips and Videos
Recreational Therapy: Search Tips and Videos
Search Tips
Try broader terms
If your terms are very specific and you're not getting enough results, try including broader terms, for example:
Broader terms for "equine-assisted therapy": animal assisted therapy, physical therapy modalities
Try narrower terms
If your terms are broad and you're getting too many results, try searching on narrower terms, for example:
Narrower terms for "exercise": muscle stretching exercises, resistance training, running, swimming, warm-up exercise
Use OR for synonyms
Combine synonyms using the connector (aka Boolean operator) OR. For example:
physiotherapy or physical therapy
Use AND to combine
Combine different concepts using the connector (aka Boolean operator) AND. For example:
physical therapy AND hip replacement surgery
Combine OR and AND like this:
(physiotherapy OR physical therapy) AND hip replacement surgery
Quotation Marks (for most databases but not PubMed)
Use quotation marks to search an exact phrase:
(physiotherapy OR "physical therapy") AND "hip replacement surgery"
Truncation (for most databases but not PubMed)
Try using the truncation character (an asterisk: * ) to get more results. For example:
prevent* will find prevent, prevents, prevention, prevented.
How to Search CINAHL
These videos were created by Eastern Michigan University Libraries.
Printable Guides
How to Search PubMed
I've included a variety of resources here--printable guides, videos, and hands-on tutorials.
- PubMed Key Word Searching (Hands-On Tutorial)This tutorial will explain some basic searching techniques and give you some practice.
- PubMed--Using Subject Headings (Hands-On Tutorial)This interactive tutorial will help you learn how to use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in your search.
- Using PubMed in Evidence-Based Practice (Hands-On Tutorial)This tutorial will provide information on developing a clinical question and using PubMed to find relevant articles.
- More PubMed Tutorials/TrainingCreated by the National Library of Medicine.
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 12:57 PM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/rec