Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Books & Video

Library and web-based resources in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Browse the book shelves at the Mary Idema Pew Library

Women and gender studies is a highly interdisciplinary field.  Books may be found in several areas of the library including the bookshelves or in the Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS).  Search the library catalog to find books at all our library collections and formats (print or e-book).

To browse the shelves, try these call number ranges (bold indicates primary sections -- start there):

BF692   Psychology of sex.

BJ1395   Feminist ethics.

BL458   Women in comparative religion.

HD6050 - HD8073   Classes of labor. (Including women, children, students, middle-aged and older persons, minorities)

HN1 - HN995   Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform.

HQ1 - HQ2044   The family. Marriage. Women. (Including sexual life, home life, death and dying, sex roles, men, feminism, life skills, and life style)

HS2501 - 3371   Clubs and societies for special classes. (Including boys' societies, Boy Scouts, girls' societies)

HV541   Women and charity.

HV697 - 3024   Protection, assistance, and relief for special classes. (Including families, mothers, widows, children, young adults/teenagers, women, gay men, lesbians, aged, people with disabilities)

JK1846 - JD1929   Suffrage

PR111 - PR116   English literature. Women authors.

PS147 - PS152   American literature. Women authors.

Streaming Video

Queer LCSH

Searching the library catalog can be challenging when you don't know the right search words to use. Books in the library are organized by Library of Congress call numbers, and they are searchable in the catalog by using Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).

Queer LCSH is a website that offers a massive, comprehensive cross reference, or list of alternative terms for searching that aren't official LC subject headings. You can use CTRL/F to search for the right term to use to describe whatever it is your searching. Like, drag queen (use female impersonators) or genderqueer (use gender nonconformity).

  • Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025 2:26 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/wgs