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- United States
Public Health: United States
U.S. National Statistics Sites
In addition to the following, you may find other useful resources on the library's Government Documents guide
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance SystemsTracks health issues such as asthma, diabetes, health care access, alcohol use, hypertension, obesity, cancer screening, nutrition and physical activity, tobacco use, and more.
- CDC Data & StatisticsStatistics on various diseases.
- CDC WonderAccess to over twenty data sets, including MMWR, Cancer Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results, Fatal Accident Reporting, and National Occupational Mortality Surveillance.
- CMS Program StatisticsIncludes over 100 detailed, easy-to-access data tables on national health care, Medicare populations, utilization, and expenditures, as well as counts for Medicare-certified institutional and non-institutional providers.
- Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S., 2020This report presents statistics on health insurance coverage in the United States based on information collected in the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) and the American Community Survey (ACS).
- Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family GrowthThese Key Statistics give some of the most important findings from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). All results are from published reports or special tabulations. As new reports from the 2006-2010 NSFG are published, statistics or source reports will be updated. Where available, a hyperlink to the source report is given.
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage.
- MMWRPresents data on reportable diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, and along with articles on specific epidemiological topics.
- National Center for Health StatisticsThe NCHS website hosts a number of useful data access tools which can be used to view interactive data and tables, perform database queries, and manipulate complex data sets.
U.S. State & County Statistics Sites
- America's Health RankingsLongest running annual assessment of the nation`s health on a state-by-state basis. Produced by the United Health Foundation.
- County Health RankingsProduced by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this provides access to the 50 state reports, ranking each county within the 50 states according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health.
- Dartmouth Atlas of Health CareThe project uses Medicare data to provide information and analysis about national, regional, and local markets, as well as hospitals and their affiliated physicians.
- Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE)Model-based estimates of health insurance coverage for counties and states from the U.S. Census Bureau.
- State Cancer ProfilesThe objective of the State Cancer Profiles website is to provide a system to characterize the cancer burden in a standardized manner in order to motivate action, integrate surveillance into cancer control planning, characterize areas and demographic groups, and expose health disparities.
- State Health FactsUp-to-date, and easy-to-use health data from all 50 states on more than 500 health topics. Produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation
Ebooks of U.S. Statistics
- Health, United StatesHealth, United States is an annual report on trends in health statistics, available online from 1975 to the present.
- Healthy People 2030Healthy People 2030 is statement of objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and establish national goals to reduce these threats. Links to Leading Health Indicators, implementation, publications, and data.
- Vital and Health Statistics SeriesEach series presents data analyses for a data collection system or a family of related systems.
- Vital Statistics of the United StatesAnnual reports from 1890 to the present that present detailed vital statistics data, including natality, mortality, marriage and divorce. These reports are available for download.
U.S. Statistics for Specific Topics/Groups
- Aging StatisticsProduced by the federal Administration on Aging (AoA), the AGing Integrated Database (AGID) is an online query system based on ACL-related data files and surveys, and includes population characteristics from the Census Bureau for comparison purposes
- Cancer Facts and StatisticsProduced by the American Cancer Society. Tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and how long people survive after diagnosis. ACS also tracks data regarding behaviors that influence the risk of developing cancer and the use of screening tests.
- Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC)Includes national and state-based data on over 100 indicators from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN).
- HCUPNet (Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project)Produced by the U.S. Department of Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, HCUPnet is an online query system that provides access to health statistics and information on hospital inpatient and emergency department utilization.
- Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: Data Trends & MapsThe CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's Data Trends & Maps online tool allows you to search for and view health indicators related to Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. You can search on the basis of a specific location or a health indicator.
- Heart Disease and Stroke StatisticsEach year, the American Heart Association, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and other government agencies, compiles up-to-date statistics on heart disease, stroke and other vascular diseases in the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical Update.
- Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR)Multiple reports and data sets.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Primary source of national data on the prevalence, treatment, and consequences of substance abuse.
- U.S. Census Bureau Disability StatisticsView reports, briefs and data from Census sources on disability.
- U.S. Census Bureau Fertility StatisticsView reports, briefs and data from Census sources on fertility.
- Vaccination Coverage in the U.S.Estimates of the number of people who have received particular vaccines measured at national, state, and local levels.
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/PH