Digital Studies: Digital Studies Projects

Projects at GVSU

Veterans History Project

Started in 2006, the Veterans History Project is a collaboration between the GVSU History Department and the University Libraries Special Collections and University Archives to collect oral histories from local war veterans. Now hosting and digitizing over 1,200 interviews and other artifacts such as diaries, letters, and home videos, you can find out more about the project and how to contribute.

Gi-gikinomaage-min Project

Display of Native American artifacts

Newly funded in 2013 by the NEH, the Gi-gikinomaage-min Project is the brainchild of the Kutsche Office of Local History, working with the Native American Advisory Board, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Special Collections and University Archives, and local-area heritage centers to document the experience of urban Native Americans. You can follow their progress on the Kutsche Office's website.

Young Lords Collection

Banner titled "Young Lords in Lincoln Park" with historical photo collage

The Young Lords Collection - which documents the historic movement through over 110 interviews, historical papers, photographs, and more - was started by a GVSU student for the Summer Scholar Institute. You can view this work, and contribute to it, at

Well-known Projects

Doing Digital Studies & Humanities

Looking for inspiration for your next digital humanities or digital studies project? You can find exciting work happening in multiple disciplines around the world, and at GVSU. When thinking about planning your own project, check out Lisa Spiro's "Getting Started" tips on her Digital Humanities blog and this guide from the University of Nebraska's Center for Digital Research in the Humanities.

Funding for Digital Studies

In addition to finding funding here, you can find more of the latest and greatest DH projects through these sources:

Subjects: Digital Studies
  • Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 10:48 AM
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