COM 378: Intercultural Communication: Books
- Intercultural Communication byCall Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017Covers both cross cultural communication (comparative works on communication practices across cultures) and intercultural communication (works on communication involving parties of diverse cultural backgrounds).
Finding Books: Tutorials
- Keywords, Search Terms, and Subject HeadingsThis short video demonstrates finding items with keywords and subject terms.
- How to Find a Book at GVSU LibrariesThis YouTube walks you through the process of searching for a book and identifying its location.
- Request Books, Journals in Print Form, and DVDsSome books, DVDs, and journals are in the book retrieval system (Automated Storage Retrieval System or ASRS) behind the Service Desk on the 1st floor: watch video of the ASRS robot in action.
- Mary Idema Pew Library Virtual TourWhere in the Library can you find....
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
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