COM 378: Intercultural Communication: Home
Useful resources
- Citing Sourcesstyle guides & examples for reference lists (aka bibliographies).
- Knowledge Markethelp with writing, research, presentations, visualizing basic data sets and engaging with social media platforms and other digital tech
- Resource MarketGuides, definitions of academic jargon, and helpful links created by Knowledge Market consultants
- Government Resourcesdata, census, info about federal, state, & local government, & cool stuff
- GVSU Libraries: for AlumniDescribes resources and services available to GVSU Alumni
This guide's purposes are to: help you learn more about intercultural communication while using information, provide resources for doing research in the core classes in the COM 378 course, help you save time and energy, and successfully complete your assignments.
Each discipline or field of study has different values about types of information and procedures for research, so the resources here may be different from those you might have used in other courses in fields like Anthropology or Political Science.
From idea to finding articles: Tutorials
- Focus Your TopicThis video shows different ways of focusing a topic for a research paper.
- Keywords, Search Terms, and Subject HeadingsThis short video demonstrates finding items with keywords and subject terms.
- Databases, journals, & articlesVideo defines each and explains how they fit together
- Build Your Search StrategyThis short video explains how to develop a search strategy before finding books and media or articles in databases. These concepts are universal and apply to any search.
Subject Guide
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 7:11 AM
- URL: