Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resources: Books & More

LGBTQ+ information

Books, e-books, & Videos

Try searching the "Find Articles, Books, & More" box above or open a new tab for the Library's homepage. Use the asterisk * to find alternate endings to the word/s and quotation marks "" around phrases. Click on Advanced Search to add more ideas.

The following subject terms can be used as keywords in your searches:

Subjects: gender identity

  • transgender* or transsexual*
  • gender or "gender expression" or "gender identity" or "gender nonconformity" or "sex role" or "sex (psychology)"
  • queer*
  • "sex change"
  • feminin* or masculin*

Subjects: sex - biology

  • "genetic sex determination" or "sex (biology)" or "sex differen*" 
  • intersex*
  • female* or women or girls
  • male or men or boys

Subjects: sexual orientation and behavior

  • asex*
  • bisexual*
  • gay* or (("same sex" AND (men or male))
  • heterosexual*
  • lesbian* or (("same sex" AND (wom?m or female))
  • LGBT* OR queer*
  • sex or "sexual behavior"
  • For older items, which may be very biased, search homosexual*

Search the Digital Collections with any of these words (one at a time): lesbian gay bisexual LGB LGBT LGBTQ queer transgender

Find items on the bookshelves: nonfiction is in the call numbers:

  • HQ74 bisexuality 
  • HQ 75-76 for gay, lesbian, & queer topics 
  • HQ 77 for transgender and gender nonconforming issues.

These may include or be surrounded by triggering book titles.

Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center Library

Search for items in this specific library location:

Use the "Find books, eBooks, & more" Find It! box above for materials at the LGBT Resource Center Library.

  • Last Updated: May 21, 2024 8:49 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/lgbt