SPA 304: Spanish for Health Professionals: Inicio / Home

¡Bienvenidos! / Welcome!

This guide's purposes are to: help you learn more about health information in Spanish, provide resources for doing research, help you save time and energy, and successfully complete your assignments. Resources in Spanish are described in Spanish; English-only are described in English.

Take a look at Understanding Why Medical Spanish and Hispanic Cultural Knowledge Matters in Healthcare.

Sitios de GVSU / GVSU websites

Section 2, Profe Matthews: Group Presentation

Group Presentation: prepare a 15-minute mini-lesson with 3-4 discussion questions.

  1. Conduct research on a specific issue (see Topics below).
  2. Use 2 or more reliable, evidence-based sources and discuss the way in which they relate to Hispanic/Latino communities in the US. Also include visuals: slides, pictures, graphs, video clips, etc., as appropriate.
  3. Use all of the tabs above except Noticias/Newspapers.


  • How to diagnose, prevent and/or treat a specific illness/disease/injury, risk factors and prevalence, including information on: 
    • Systems of the body / bodily functions that are impacted 
    • Current economic, physical, and/or social trends related to a specific area of health(care)
    • How to appropriately interact with others in a specific situation related to the condition OR how to educate/raise awareness around prevention of the condition

Subject Guide

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Kim Ranger
General hours: M-F 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. or by appointment.

Hablo español

Mailing address: 240 Mary Idema Pew Library, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401
1-616-331-2633 Text or Voicemail: Please leave a message.
Subjects: Course Guides, Spanish
  • Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024 7:42 AM
  • URL: