Anthropology: Overview

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Anthropology News

(7/13/23) Butterflies and moths share ancient 'blocks' of DNA

Butterflies and moths share 'blocks' of DNA dating back more than 200 million years, new research shows.

(7/6/23) Giant stone artefacts found on rare Ice Age site in Kent, UK

An international research team has for the first time successfully isolated ancient human DNA from a Paleolithic artefact: a pierced deer tooth Researchers have discovered some of the largest early prehistoric stone tools in Britain.

(6/26/23) Humans' evolutionary relatives butchered one another 1.45 million years ago

Researchers have identified the oldest decisive evidence of humans' close evolutionary relatives butchering and likely eating one another.

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Subjects: Anthropology
  • Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025 1:53 PM
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