Art & Art History: Books

Browse the Stacks

Browse the the following sections for books on art. N through PN are all available on the 3rd floor of the Mary Idema Pew Library, T's are on the 4th floor.

N Visual Arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing, Design, Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print Media
NK Decorative Arts
NX Arts in General

PN Film & Motion Pictures
TR Photography
TT Arts & Crafts, Handicrafts

Search for Books & eBooks

Search for books GVSU libraries does not own

On February 1, 2021 GVSU Libraries will temporarily stop borrowing books from other libraries via MeLCat as GVSU Libraries change our search software. In the meantime, you can request items we do not own through our Document Delivery service, or pick up MeLCat loans from your public library. 

Subjects: Art & Design
  • Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024 9:04 AM
  • URL: