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- Engineering Faculty Guide to the Library
- Scholarship & Publishing
Engineering Faculty Guide to the Library: Scholarship & Publishing
Conferences & peer review
Not sure if a conference is using rigorous peer review to assess proposals? Ask me. We can do some research into the organization and/or associated publisher/s before you submit or register. Not all professional development opportunities, scholarly disseminators, etc., are equal.
Open Access: Pay for Publishing? Q&A
Q: Is the journal legitimate?
A: Look at the journal's website and the database Ulrichs Web. Check the Directory of Open Access Journals. See our Open Access Journal Quality Indicators.
Q: The publisher wants you to pay to publish your article?
A: Charging an author fee to defray costs of open access publishing is fairly common, and $200 is an example of a low fee. CSCE funds can now be used for publishing fees (called dissemination grants). Learn more info about open access publishing funds.
Scholarly Communication
- Scholar Works @ GVSUthe repository
- Scholarly Communicationlibrary page on issues of copyright, open access, fair use, creative commons, etc.
- Open Access Publishing Support FundNOTE: Revised Criteria Begin September 1, for FY 2019 - 2021... (Open link for details)
- Copyright for Educators & LibrariansMOOC by Lisa Macklin, Anne Gilliland & Kevin L. Smith is available on-demand, free, & can be begun at any time & consulted in any order that an individual participant wishes.
- Data sources, sets, management, visualizationTools for finding, visualizing, & using data.
Also, the Data Inquiry Lab is available to help you collect quantitative data, prepare quantitative data for analysis, and create visualizations of those data. At present, GVSU does not formally support qualitative analysis, but the Statistical Consulting Center can run files (e.g., excel, word, etc.) through SAS, which may help with coding, as SCC can put reports into a readable document like MS Word but organized in a way that facilitates analysis or visualizing patterns.
- Last Updated: Oct 10, 2024 10:15 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/egr-faculty