Engineering Faculty Guide to the Library: Course Reserves

Managing your Assigned Reading/Viewing materials

The information on this page is entirely adapted from "Course Reserve" on the Library's website.

Course Reserve Assistance

As of Fall 2020, the University Libraries is no longer managing electronic reserves for faculty. Adding links from the library databases to your Blackboard course is the easiest and quickest way to set up electronic reserves. We have created a series of guides to help you add items to your Blackboard course, and you can get in touch with your liaison librarian to find appropriate readings for your course.

We can help you with copyright compliance questions and help finding appropriate links to our licensed material. Unfortunately due to staffing, we are no longer able to scan materials or place items in Blackboard for you.

Physical reserve services are available on a limited basis as described in the Course Reserves services page on the Libraries website.

Copyright and Fair Use

Material can be added to your Blackboard Course if the purpose, nature, and the effect of the request is meets the reasonable limit of fair use. Instructors are asked to accept full responsibility in complying with the provisions of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976 that governs 'fair use' of copyrighted objects for educational purposes when placing items in Blackboard.

Need help determining if something is covered by copyright? Use the Copyright Genie.

Need help determining if your item falls within "fair use?" Use the University Libraries' Fair Use Checklist.

Electronic Reserves in Blackboard

You can add electronic reserve items to your Blackboard course as links or PDFs. We recommend using links. Linking to resources ensures that you stay in copyright compliance and also allows the library to collect accurate usage statistics for our databases. Adding PDFs will not allow the library to see any usage from your reserves. (Resources with little to no use may be canceled.)

Additional Course Reserve Help

Your Liaison Librarian can help you get to the information or solution you need. You may also go directly to any of the following sources, as appropriate:

Subjects: Engineering
Tags: faculty
  • Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025 2:01 PM
  • URL: