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The GVSU Native American Advisory Council (NAAC) has the following draft statement for land acknowledgement:
We would like to recognize the People of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples on whose land we are gathered. The Three Fires People are indigenous to this land which means that this is their ancestral territory. Every university is built on stolen, native land. We are guests on their land and one way to practice right relations is to develop genuine ways to acknowledge the histories and traditions of the people who originated here first, who are still here, and who tend to the land always. As we make this land acknowledgment we know it is but an important first step, and that there are many more that we need to take when we decide to engage in the important work of social justice.
For more information on the purpose and intent of land acknowledgments, see Northwestern University's site.
This guide's purposes are to help you learn more about peoples of the Americas while using information and provide resources for doing research. For those who are "white" please see the Education tab, box on Resources for settlers.
Indigenous peoples have different values about data, information, and research procedures than colonial descendents.
Kim Ranger (Euro-American) is of western European ancestry.
Sovereign Tribal Nations News Sites
All names are those used by the groups themselves.
- Native News Online - American Indian Newsfrom Grand Rapids editor Levi Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation)
- GTB NewsE-newsletter from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, MI
- Little River CurrentsMonthly e-newspaper from the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians in Manistee, MI.
- Tribal Observere-newsletter from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, Mount Pleasant, MI
- Indian Country TodayDaily e-news covering the Indigenous world, including American Indians and Alaska Natives.
- Indianz.comNews & information about issues facing Native peoples from a wide variety of sources.
- National Native News: News for all AmericansNews & broadcasts from the perspective of tribal sovereign nations.
Liaison Librarian
Sources to delve into
- Maawn Doobiigeng (Gather Together)Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Libraries' classification system
- Native American Studies booksfrom MSU Press
- First Nations and Indigenous StudiesUBC's Research Guide
- X̱wi7x̱wa Library"a centre for academic and community Indigenous scholarship. Its collections and services reflect Aboriginal approaches to teaching, learning, and research"
- Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025 2:20 PM
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