Library Resources for Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration: Policy
Where to do Policy/Issue Research
Some of these databases are also accessible from the Database link on the library's homepage.
- Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at University of MichiganThe Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) conducts, supports and fosters applied academic research to inform local, state, and urban policy issues.
- CQ Press Political Reference SuiteProvides access to all of the library's online Congressional Quarterly resources, which provide coverage of U.S. government and politics, foreign affairs and current events. Covered resources include CQ Weekly, CQ Researcher, CQ Almanac, Local Stats, State Stats, U.S. Political Stats, Supreme Court Yearbook, and more.
- CQ ResearcherProvides access to concise reports on a wide variety of topics and issues of current interest. Reports provide an overview of the topic, including background information and an assessment of the current situation, balanced coverage of differing viewpoints and a bibliography of key sources.
- HeinOnline Government, Politics, and LawHeinOnline’s Government, Politics, and Law provides comprehensive coverage of more than 2,000 periodicals. In addition the journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, constitutions for every country in the world, classic books from the 18th & 19th centuries, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations and more.
- iPOLL This link opens in a new windowiPOLL is One-stop shopping for academic, commercial, and media polls in the U.S. with search tools designed specifically for survey questions. Users can View various questions to better understand Americans' views.
- NewsbankA historical collection that contains books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, government documents and ephemera printed in America over three centuries. GVSU Libraries own or subscribe to the following collections through Newsbank: Access World News, Twentieth-Century Global Perspectives: World Protest and Reform Movements, Black Life in America, Hispanic Life in America, Immigrations, Migrations and Refugees: Global Perspectives (1941-1996), American Race Relations, Archive of Americana, and America's Historical Newspapers
- PAIS InternationalOne of the library's top international relations and foreign affairs databases. This database covers scholarly and trade journals, books and publications from governments and NGOs.
- ProQuest CongressionalComprehensive source for Congressional research and activity from 1789-present. Includes committee prints and hearings, legislative histories, the Congressional Record, the Serial Set, Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations, and CRS Reports.
- Pew Research CenterPew Research Center is a nonpartisan, neutral source of data and analysis. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
- RAND CorporationThe RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis.
- U.S. GAO (General Accountability Office)GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars
- Congress.govU.S. federal legislation.
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- Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 11:51 AM
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