DEI-AB Framework Toolkit: Curriculum
External Resources
Toolkits, Tips, and Guides
- Equity Literacy FrameworkThis framework by the Equity Literacy Institute details the abilities and principles that must be adopted by educators and institutions to provide equitable educational opportunity for students free of bias, inequity, and discrimination. This site also compiles resources including handouts, articles, and courses on the subject.
- Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice GuideSocial justice education has implications for what we teach (curriculum) and how we teach (pedagogy). Despite an increasing number of instructors bringing a critical analysis of racial in/justice to their curriculum, many report challenges in teaching this content effectively.
- The UDL (Universal Design for Learning) GuidelinesThese guidelines offer a set of standards and suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
- WCAG 101: Understanding the Web Content Accessibility GuidelinesThis guide describes best practices and standards in creating web-delivered content to ensure that it is accessible to a broad range of disabilities, including sensory, intellectual, learning and physical disabilities.
- A Pedagogy of Preparation: Helping Underprepared Students Succeed in College-Level Coursework in Community Colleges.This paper presents an overall educational philosophy of working with students underprepared for college-level work, which we term “a pedagogy of preparation.” We consider how instructors scaffolded instruction to foster college readiness in students who were now able to enroll in college-level work regardless of academic preparation after state-level legislation (SB 1720) that dramatically altered the delivery of developmental education in the Florida College System (FCS).
- Inclusive Teaching in Higher EducationInclusive teaching pervades all aspects of a lecturer’s commitment from preparation of teaching materials, dissemination of information prior to the scheduled sessions, continuous student engagement and communication, apt presentation style with pertinent learning activities, discussion groups, and follow-up questions and answers to assessment of students’ progress (Powell 2003).
- Misrepresenting Race - The Role of Medical Schools in Propagating Physician Bias.This article explores how lectures in a medical program, and the way certain topics in medicine are taught, may be contributing to racial biases of healthcare providers. It goes on to provide recommendations for educators in healthcare professions programs to amend their course content to prevent misrepresentation of race and proliferate biases in the field of healthcare.
- What really matters for instructors implementing equitable and inclusive teaching approachesThe results of this national survey study reveal several predictors of instructors’ utilization of inclusive teaching approaches and reported obstacles faced. For this sample, knowledge of inclusive teaching was a statistically significant predictor of implementation, as was being from a non-STEM discipline. Responses highlighted promising approaches, several of which can inform the efforts of educational developers
GVSU Resources
- Blackboard Ally: Ally for InstructorsBlackboard Ally assesses your LMS-delivered course content for accessibility. This site gives instructions on how to use this tool along with ways to create and fix content to be accessible.
- Student Accessibility ResourcesThe Student Accessibility Resources office provides services such as note-taking, assistive technology, assistive transportation, and learning and study skills support for students with disabilities. They also provide support to faculty educating students with disabilities.
- Division of Student Affairs (DSA): Diversity, Equity, & InclusionThe DSA provides resources for students and faculty related to diversity, equity, and inclusion on their website including support for black students from the university counseling center, adaptive and inclusive recreation options at the university, and identity-based career resources.
- Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center (FTLC): Inclusive TeachingGVSU’s FTLC provides resources and educational opportunities to support inclusive teaching and promote educational practices that will allow students of all backgrounds and learning styles to succeed.
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 12:50 PM
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