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- History
- African History
History: African History
- allAfricaallAfrica aggregates news from over one hundred African news and media organizations. Content is in both English and French and is updated daily.
- Black Studies CenterBlack Studies Center consists of scholarly journals, commissioned overview essays by top scholars in Black Studies, historic indexes, and The Chicago Defender newspaper from 1910-1975. At the heart of Black Studies Center is Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, consisting of essays that provide an introduction to major topics in Black Studies. Black Studies Center provides the historical full-text of one of the most influential black newspapers in the United States, The Chicago Defender. Coverage: 1900 - current.
- Cambridge Histories Online: Africa• Collection of online searchable books covering African history from early civilizations until 1975
- allAfricaallAfrica aggregates news from over one hundred African news and media organizations. Content is in both English and French and is updated daily.
- Afro BarometerResearch that measures the social, political, and economic atmosphere in Africa.
- Aid Datacontains information about international economic development assistance, dating back to 1947
- Trans Atlantic Slave Trade DatabaseInformation about the slave trade from primary sources
- UNICEF DataSearch UNICEF data on a variety of topics, or by country
- Africa ConfidentialOne of the longest-established specialist publications on Africa, with a considerable reputation for being first with in-depth news and analysis on significant political, economic and security developments across the continent. Not all articles are available for free-- look for the "free" icon.
- Africa Center for Strategic StudiesSecurity affects every facet of life, and the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense) provides scholars a place to find programs, publications, and share information.
- Africa Studies CenterThe University of Pennsylvania's list of helpful web sources covering Africa.
- AlukaWide variety of high-quality scholarly materials ranging from digitized historical documents to 3D models and reference works. Great for historical research.
- AJOL: African Scholarly Journals OnlineThe world's largest collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals. If you cannot access an article, see if GVSU has access by searching for that journal on the library website ("Find"=> "Magazines and Journals").
- Old Maps OnlineThe broadest single collection of historical maps. It acts as a central repository to a collection of maps held by institutions across the globe
- Last Updated: Jan 21, 2025 2:16 PM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/history