International Relations: News Sources

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News Databases

The following databases can be used to search multiple news publications at one time. GVSU subscribes to databases containing multiple publications through vendors. The vendors EBSCO and ProQuest support selecting/searching multiple databases at once.


Use the 'Choose Databases' link above the search bar to add additional databases to your search. 

EBSCO news databases not linked above include: newswires, web news, Bloomberg Businessweek Archive, Forbes Archive, Fortune Magazine Archive, Life Magazine Archive, Sports Illustrated Magazine Archive, Time Magazine Archive, Vanity Fair Magazine Archive


Use the drop down menu in the top left corner of the page to access the 'Change databases' link and add additional databases to your search

ProQuest news databases not linked above include: Alt-PressWatch‎, GenderWatch‎, Trends & Policy: U.S. Immigration News‎, Women's Magazine Archive‎  


These links will take you to the most up to date access we have for these publications. To find the rest of the library's holdings for these publications, or to search for others, click on "Journals" under the main library search box, search the title you're interested in, and click on "Full text access."

External Guides

  • Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 11:51 AM
  • URL: