- University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Target Audience Analysis
Advertising & Public Relations: Target Audience Analysis
Demographics, Psychographics, Market Segmentation
Demographics: statistical data for a group of people, often defined by age or generation, education, gender, health, occupation & income, race, living situation, and often used to identify target audiences.
Psychographics: relates consumer lifestyles (attitudes, beliefs, loyalty, preference, public opinion) to behavior (activities, spending habits or expenditures, usage) by analyzing demographics.
Market segmentation: how you connect demographics and psychographics to create a strategy for identifying, defining, & dividing target market into sets or segments of consumers, businesses, or geographic areas with common interests, needs, & priorities for your clients. Provides data to support the marketing plan objectives (e.g., databases below and Who's Buying series, American Generations series, and other New Strategist series). WARC has useful definitions of segmenting or segmentation (click "Most Read") along with best practices.
What are, why use, and how to create consumer profiles, created by Curtis Newbold, the Visual Communication Guy, 2018
Psychographics or Segmentation
- Sage DataGo to Source, EASI Analytic Software – EASI Market Planner – latest year:
- Consumer Behavior – Mediamark
- Consumer Spending Analytics
- Demographics – EASI Profiles
- Life Stages
- Media Use – Mediamark
- Retail Sales
See See Data-Planet Help tab. - SRDS Media Planning PlatformClaritas SMS (Segmentation & Market Solutions) is the only resource which uses DMA (Designated Marketing Area) as a geographic unit. Click Login to Claritas SMS. Create Content: Reports: Pop-Facts (demographics) or Segmentation. See SRDS Help tab.
- StatistaAll kinds of data on consumption and media usage: more than 50 industries, 5,000 brands, and various topics.
E.g., find "Behavior changes in response to COVID-19 worldwide, by generation" or "Communication platform usage by brand" for the U.S., or a 2021 Brand Report on FaceTime in the U.S. - it includes usage, demographics, users' lifestyle, & marketing touchpoints.
- Statista Overview6-minute video tutorial by the GVSU Libraries
- WARC (World Advertising Research Center)demographics (scroll to bottom, click Sitemap (under About): Topics: WARC Index: Consumers & audiences; Research methods & tools; Latest: Best Practice; or Rankings: Media 100
- Consumer behavior 2023 byDemographics, activities, shopping channels & behaviors, brand preference, ethnicity, gender, segmentation.
- Insider Intelligence eMarketerdata, articles, reports, trends & forecasts on: consumer demographics, digital advertising, social media, smartphone & online video usage
- MarketingChartsadvertising trends, B2B, brands, customer data, demographics & audiences, media & social media, TV, & verticals
- MichiganSelect a city, then the Area Economic Summary. *Average annual spending for healthcare, insurance, food, transportation, housing.
From the Midwest Information Office, Bureau of Labor Statistics - Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic InitiativesData tools include demographic data, population, housing, industries, employment, occupations, wages, and projections for 2026
U.S. source for population, economic, & geographic information
- Sage DataGo to Source,
- EASI Analytic Software – EASI Market Planner – most current year: Demographics
- Health & Vital Statistics
- International
- Labor & Employment
- Population & Income
- Prices & Cost of Living, etc.
See See Data-Planet Help tab.
Help with Qualitative Data Analysis
- Social Science LabHas software for qualitative data analysis
- Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 10:41 AM
- URL: https://libguides.gvsu.edu/cap