Advertising & Public Relations: Media Planning
Media Directories, Ad Spending, Rankings: databases
- WinmoLists advertisers (companies, competitors, brands, industry codes, key contacts, media spend, sales, ad agencies, news) & agencies (media focus, target markets, key contacts, clients, social media, news).
- SRDS Media Planning PlatformMedia information & contact data. Nielsen draws maps of geographic areas it calls DMAs, “designated market areas,” based on its demographic data of program ratings (tv viewership).
- StatistaIncludes ad spending by medium, e.g., Pay-per-View (TVoD) revenue, user penetration, average revenue per user, comparison of the U.S. to global, and projected growth.
Statistics: Internet provides info on social media, online search, user-generated content, online advertising and marketing. - WARC (World Advertising Research Center)Advertising database includes case studies, best practices, market intelligence, major brands, ad/spend statistics, demographics, & campaign videos in all areas of marketing communications.
Terms & Calculators
- SRDS CPM Calculator(Cost Per Thousand) Media Planning & Buying Calculators
- BDI & CDICategory Development Index = CDI
Brand Development Index = BDI - HUTs and PUTsHUT = homes using television
PUT = persons using television - GRPs and TRPsSum of the ratings= GRPs.
Sum of the ratings of a specific demographic segment = TRPs.
Media Directories, Costs, & Rankings: websites
- Blue Line MediaLook for advertising (used nationally by ad buyers) - gives cost ranges, impressions, etc., for many markets. Use it to complement SRDS data.
- NielsenMeasures demographics based on industry & provides ratings. Top 10 lists for TV, TV ad brand memorability, books, music, video games, movies, social media, alcohol, health & beauty, beverages, snacks.
- comScoreRankings for TV (broadcast, cable), movies, video, smartphone platforms & apps, digital media.
Podcast stats
- PodtracPodcast industry audience rankings
- Podcast InsightsFrom learning the basics to best marketing services, includes "Best Podcast Hosting Sites."
Media Kits
Most newspapers, magazines, & broadcast media provide demographic data about their audience for advertisers in an online media kit. Go to the company/publication website & find the link on that page for Advertisers (often at the bottom of the page). One can usually find a media kit with detailed information about market and readership. See the Atlanta-Journal Constitution Media Kit OR NYTmediakit as examples. In Google, try searching for the publication name and media kits, or advertising rates. E.g., "business week" ("media kit" OR "advertising rates")
To find the Top Lists of magazines or TV channels -- do a simple search in Google for something like "top magazines for teens"
WARC (World Advertising Research Center) has all kinds of helpful information like using TV ads well (effectiveness, length, context and positioning, scheduling, audience measurement).
- Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 2:27 PM
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