Advertising & Public Relations: Books & More
- WinmoLists advertisers (companies, competitors, brands, industry codes, key contacts, media spend, sales, ad agencies, news) & agencies (media focus, target markets, key contacts, clients, social media, news).
- Gale Directory LibraryChoose Market Share Reporter: data on companies, products & brands.
- NAICS codesNorth American industry classification system = standard codes used by federal statistical agencies to analyze companies and industries.
- Public Relations Theory III : In the Age of Publics byCall Number: e-bookPublication Date: 20233 people can use this book at one time. If you can't access it, try again later.
Books, Encyclopedias, Media, etc.
While half of our books are online, many books are also on shelves! "Call numbers" are shelf locations, in order alphabetically then numerically. You may place requests for physical items and they should be available at the service desk the next day.
Locations: Books in the call number area HD59-59.6 & HF5801-6182 on the 3rd floor of Mary Idema Pew Library or in the Steelcase Library cover general advertising topics.
Business Communication call numbers: HF 5717-HF 5734.7 on the 3rd floor of Mary Idema Pew Library or in the Steelcase Library.
Other Libraries you may use
- MeLCatMichigan eLibrary lets you borrow books for free in the state through GVSU and your local public library.
Use GVSU's Document Delivery service as an alternative.
- Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 2:27 PM
- URL: