Advertising & Public Relations: Industry / Market Share & Company info

School of Communications

Market Share/Rankings & Industry Statistics/Trends

Market research includes industry, product, brand, consumer, geography, etc., and market share is also known as “competitors.”

Company Financial Info

Company financial profiles are a quick way to get background on a company, what they do, & their current situation.

Google a company's website and look for "about us" or "investors" for annual reports and info for shareholders.


SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. Analyzing these qualities provides a good overview of a company's current & future prospects. 

By analyzing the external environment (threats & opportunities), & your company internal environment (weaknesses & strengths), you can think about the strategies of your organization, department, team, your skills & experience, a process, or a marketing campaign.

If you can't find a SWOT analysis for your company, look at a competitor or an industry analysis: the factors are often similar for companies in the same industry.

  • Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 2:27 PM
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