CAP 115: Research Basics for Advertising and PR: SRDS/Claritas Help

Research Basics for Advertising and Public Relations


  1. Knowledge Center =
  • Report Generation gives detailed descriptions of how to get data and produce reports (e.g., Claritas Pop-Facts Demographic Reports)
  • Interpretation & Calculations helps you understand why to use a report (each report gives an Overview, Business issues it can solve, and What questions it can answer/Why it is important)
  1. Segment explanations (descriptions of target audience or market groups)
  2. Interpreting calculations 
  3. SRDS is the only resource which uses DMA (Designated Marketing Area) as a geographic unit
  4. Claritas does offer a toll free phone number for technical support at (800) 866-6511. If you contact them, please explain that you are a student at GVSU.

How to use SRDS for media planning

SRDS is the abbreviation for "standard rate and data services" that provide advertising rates, circulation or audience usage, and costs for various media types. Nielsen is the most well-known company which provides SRDS; Kantar Media is a competitor to Nielsen.

Nielsen and Kantar draw maps of geographic areas called DMAs, “designated market areas,” based on demographic data of program ratings (tv viewership). They market media information & contact data, along with demographics & segmentation, based on these areas.

On the far right, "Market Maps & Data" include DMA statistical profiles (population & 5-year projection, # households & age of head of household, race, age, gender, income, # of top industries & # of people employed in each, unemployment, occupations, retail sales in millions of dollars, buying power index, merchandise lines with sales in millions of dollars & rank) & DMA maps by state.

Categories & Markets compiled from Nielsen, SQAD, and Simmons data for types of media:

  • Digital
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers (Newspapers, Reps & Press Associations; choose Media Type, DMA, Newspaper Type and/or Classified Advertising; click the newspaper title for more info like contacts, circulation, rates, etc.)
  • Broadcast (TV & Cable or Radio; SQAD Cost per Point Level Reports; choose your DMA)
  • Out-of-Home
  • Multicultural & Inclusive
  • Direct Marketing

How to use SRDS Claritas 360 Reports

Works best with Google Chrome. Use Ctrl-click or Cmd-click to select multiple options within a category. 

Nielsen is the company that developed the Claritas 360 system; they sold it to Kantar Media (competitor) in 2016. The segmentation systems within Claritas (now owned by Kantar) are based on PRIZM, P$YCLE, and ConneXions.

  1. Data that comes from Claritas 360:
  • PRIZM – defines consumer segments (groups) by socioeconomic ranks (e.g., Upper Crust = wealthy)
  • P$YCLE – focuses on consumer spending behaviors (e.g., Bargain Lovers)
  • ConneXions – emphasizes how people use media & behave regarding technology (e.g., Cyber Sophisticates)
  1. Select Claritas 360
  2. Click "Login" - Opens a new tab (do not close the 1st tab)
  3. Select Reports
  4. Choose Standard or Segmentation.

A. Standard: Demographic:

  1. Pop-Facts Demographics
    • Select analysis area (geographic region): Nielsen Designated Market Area (DMA): whatever city you want.
    • Select report sections (Pop-Facts Demographic Snapshot); Next; Submit. (Be patient!)
  2. Pop-Facts Demographic Trends
  3. Pop-Facts Demographics by Age Race Sex
  4. Pop-Facts Household Income by Age of Householder
  5. Pop-Facts Executive Summary
  6. Effective buying income
  7. Senior life
  8. Consumer concentration (Claritas data; Pop-facts Premier; choose time period; choose specific population/s, segment distribution/s, social group/s, lifestage group/s; Submit, Submit). Remember to use the Help section above for info on the groups.

B. Segmentation:

  1. Market Overview (Segment Distribution): Select a Projection Data Set (households), Select a Base Analysis type: Geography: Nielsen DMA; select Segment Descriptors (product category that is close to the chosen brand) to include (then Report output = Excel)
  2. Profiler (Profile Ranking Index, PRIZM Premier, Claritas Profiles, Claritas Consumer Profiles - choose category, choose specific category, Analysis area - DMA, submit),
  3. Lifestyler (Target segment measure (type of group), Segment descriptors (product category)
  4. Locator (Target concentration, Claritas target groups (LifeStage or Social), make DMA choices, submit. In the Excel spreadsheet, sort by Index column, largest to smallest.)
  • Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 10:41 AM
  • URL: